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Pastor Leon Starks


Bold, radical, passionate; these are the words that are commonly associated with Pastor E. Leon Starks of the Lion of Judah Christian Center, in Cincinnati OH. 


Originally from Evansville, IN, Pastor Starks is no stranger to the streets.  During his high school years, like many teens searching for their identity, he succumbed to peer- pressure, and became involved with drugs.  This journey of drug addiction lasted 17 years, during which time he witnessed all the common ills associated with that lifestyle.  Throughout that time God’s favor continued to be with him.  Upon his deliverance from substance abuse he continued to feel the pull of God’s call on his life.  It was during this time that he finally acknowledged the fact that God wanted to use his life as a testimony to others through ministry.


He accepted the call to the ministry in December of 1995, while attending the Lincoln Heights Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor F.T. Piphus. Continuing in his development he was ordained in June of 2000.  During this time of growth it became apparent that pastoring was on the horizon and God began to create avenues to make the vision a reality.


Starting out as a Bible study in his home, Pastor Starks began teaching on some of the myths of the Church that actually kept people in bondage. While witnessing the freedom that people were receiving, he gained more clarity concerning the church that God wanted to birth.  Upon the completion of the class, a group of dedicated individuals were assembled to form a core.  Exercising a step of faith, Lion of Judah Christian Center was born, December of 2002,


Pastor Starks’ philosophy of ministry is simple; bring the straight up Word of God with no fluff.  The word has a practical application for real people that, if lived out; will produce the power to conquer life’s challenges. One of the church’s main responsibilities is to communicate the strength, hope, and experience that are gained through moving in God.


Married to his wife Dori for (35) years, he is also the proud father of two sons, Doran and Jamal.  He is a graduate of Lockyear Community College with a degree in accounting and computer systems analysis.  He is employed by Ingersoll-Rand Security Technologies, where he is a training and development manager. 

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